Hooked On Driving | 12.06.2024 Homestead Miami Holiday-A Palooza
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Homestead Miami Speedway

12.06.2024 Homestead Miami Holiday-A Palooza

Friday - December 6, 2024



The Holiday-A-Palooza of High Performance driving

Capture the thrill of this famous NASCAR playoff track.

We are considering adding the NASCAR turn 3 and 4 during this event.


$389.00* solo drivers

*60.00 fee applies to beginners with coach run group

Event cancellation insurance (ECI) is available up to November 6th at midnight.

With event cancellation insurance you can cancel the event up to midight 12/4/24 and recieve a full event credit for one year*. You will be given the option to accept or decline at checkout.

No weather watching, no scrambling schedules. With ECI you can rest easy, guaranteeing your spot on the grid with no no worry!

* Electing ECI supercedes all Hooked on Driving cancellation policies. Opting for ECI allows you full registration fees credited for any future event, good for one year from the event date. The ECI fee is non refundable and or part of the event credit. No event credit card refunds, only event credits.

Four run group format

A - (GREEN) Beginner with coach, combined with a solo.

A - Solo (YELLOW) Track exp required. Passing on the straights with proper point by

B - Solo Inter. (BLUE) Passing allowed on full lap with point by, corners are optional

C - Solo Advanced (RED) Passing required on full lap incuding corners with point by

D - Solo unrestricted (WHITE) test and tune, no point by required.  (this group is registration numbers sensitive. May be combined with C group if there are not enough drivers in this group)


Race teams are welcome, and as always, all coaches and staff fees are waived.


Join us for out last event at Homestead this year!!

All event details, schedules etc, will be sent out 10 days prior to the event.

Camping and Dry RV camping will be allowed outside the main gate as in the past





12.06.2024 Homestead Miami Holiday-A Palooza - 12-06-2024
A beginner novice with coach - $449.00 - AVAILABLE
A Novice solo - $389.00 - AVAILABLE
B intermediate solo - $389.00 - AVAILABLE
C Advanced solo - $389.00 - AVAILABLE
D Unrestricted test and tune - $389.00 - AVAILABLE
Coaches / Staff - AVAILABLE


HPDE Venue Info - Homestead Miami Speedway

Learn more about the venue here >>

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