At ORP we are able to run the track either direction. The event logistics message will provide information as to what direction we will be running each day.
Helmets are available for rent in a variety of sizes.
Dry camping will be available at the track.
Gate opens at 7:00am and check in starts at 7:15am
Mandatory driver meetings start at 8:00am, first cars are on track at 9:00am, day ends at 5:00pm
Driver's lunch is included. Guest lunches are available for purchase with on-line registration.
Car numbers are mandatory at all tracks. They must be on both sides of the car, at least 6" high, and easily visible to the corner workers. HOD numbers are available for purchase with on-line registration or at the track.
Saturday after 5:00pm there will be a casual picnic/potluck dinner. Bring your favorite meat or otherwise to cook and a side dish to share. We will have BBQ’s on hand.
Is the run group you are wanting sold out? Email us at to be added to a wait list. Please include your name, phone number (cell is preferred), event date, and the run group(s) you are wanting.
Interested in a Session of Advanced Coaching for B or C Drivers? Check the Blue Box next to Session of Coaching for B or C Drivers and select the run group you are registered to drive in. If you are interested in more than one session, add a comment to that effect in the Order Comments box. Additional sessions may be available for purchase at the event. NOTE: Please select the Coaching Session for the same run group you have registered to drive in.